3 Months Old! August 24, 2010-Sept 24, 2010
Week 1
This week was our first week of doing to daycare. We did really well and Mommy only cried once! LOL We started only going half a day for 2 weeks. Aunt Shirlee and Uncle Lyle just love the boys. This week Andrew has really mastered head control and Alex is trying more and more. We are now eating about 4-5oz at a time and sleeping about 6 hours every night! We are in size 1 diapers and can still wear some of our newborn clothes but are moving up to 0-3 months. At our 3 month checkup Andy weighed 9#4oz and Alex 8#4oz! We are growing so fast. We are staying awake more and starting to coo a little.
This was Alex on his first morning ready to go to daycare!
Just hanging out on the floor with Sandy!
This is Andrew swinging and looking outside...look close and you can see where Sandy decided to see what he was looking at!
This is Alex, as you can see he and Andy both has sleep positioners that they sleep in. Andrew woke up first that morning and when I went back to get Alex this is where I found him! He had scooted up and to the left and laid across the top of both!
Here is a video of the boys on the floor and Alex scooting....sorry its so dark!