
Sunday, October 24, 2010

4 Months Old-week 4

This week was so much better for our little guys! They were feeling better and started doing so much more than 2 weeks ago! This week we both laughed out loud and Alex said Momma!! It was so sweet. At first Andy would laugh and it would scare him so he would cry. But a few days later he got the hang of it. It is so much fun tickling them!

Andy laughing out loud

Alex Laughing out loud

Alex saying Momma

This week we spent more time on the floor with plenty of tummy time and practicing sitting up. The boys did pretty well with it but they still don't like to spend a lot of time on the floor.

Alexander and Andrew

Andrew in the Boppy

Alexander in the Boppy


This week we started eating Oatmeal with Bananas at night before bath time. Both of them really liked the different flavor. They are still only on formula and the rice cereal and oatmeal for now. Since they were preemies their pediatrician wants us to wait until they are 6 months old before introducing baby food. So we will stick to what we are doing for now since they seem to be satisfied. The boys are eating about 6oz at a time and eat every 3-4 hours. We have been trying to slowly get a nap routiene even though they really just sleep when they want to sleep. This week since I only work half a day we would get home around 1 and try to take a nap around 2. Most days they did well. This week I also worked on putting the boys in their beds while they were awake for naps instead of rocking them to sleep. I would wait for them to get fussy and then put them to bed. They actually would lay in there and fall asleep! At night we are still waiting until they are asleep to lay them down, since most of  the time they are eating their last bottle when they fall asleep. 
The boys will be 5 months old tomorrow and we just can't believe it!! Here are some more photos from this week.

Father and Son (Andrew)

Father and Son's

Thursday, October 21, 2010

4 months old-week 3

What a week! This was a rough week in the Saksa house. Both of the boys had to go to the doctor on Monday. Both of the boys were very fussy, congested and Alex was wheezing. Our regular doctor was out so we had to see Dr. Rich.  Andrew weighed 13#8oz and Alex weighed 12#4oz.

Alex had his first chest x-ray since he was wheezing and was tested for RSV. Andrew had a double ear infection and an upper respiratory infection while poor little Alex had an upper respiratory infection and we thought Asthma. We went home on antibiotics and breathing treatments.

 Throughout the week we didn't seem to be getting much better. Our cough was getting worse and Alex still needed a breathing treatment every 2-3 hours. Thursday we went back to the Dr again and Andrew weighed 13#15oz and Alex weighed 12#10oz. They were both placed on steriods. Andrew's ears were looking much better. Dr. Cockrell said that they both had some form of RSV but she felt they would get better with steroids and could go home. (we never did run any fever). This week-end Tim had drill so Aunt Mer came to stay with us! Sat we went and did a photo shoot. The boys still were not up to par and didn't really feel like taking pictures today.

That night Alex decided to roll over for the first time!! I was able to catch him rolling on video!

When Sunday rolled around we were feeling much better!! Aunt Mer had to go home and Daddy came home. Here's to a better week!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 Months Old-week 2

This week the boys had a few "first"! We went to their first Red River Revel and took their first trip to Gamma and Papa's!

They loved being outside in the nice weather and hearing the live music at the Revel! We actually went out there 3 times during this week. They even got to go to their first concert to see The Band Perry!

Alex "standing" on the stroller

Andrew grinning

Tim, Alex, Suzu and Andy at the revel

Andy and Michelle

The 4 of us at the Revel

Alex dancing at the revel

 We took our first trip to Gamma and Papa's this week-end. We left Friday and came home on Sunday. The boys did fairly well on the trip down. They slept most of the way until we hit Baton Rouge traffic and then the fussing began. Andrew played with the toys on his carseat and I caught some it on video!

When we arrived Friday our Uncle Vince was there to meet us for the first time! We hate that he had to go to work before getting to spend much time with us. But not before Momma snapped a picture of us!

Most of the weekend the babies were fussy and we just couldn't figure out why.  Andy was very congested and was giving benadryl  most of the weekend to help him breath. Sat we meet up with our old friends Natalie and Brad for lunch and then had a short visit with G-momma B and G-daddy J and Ashley. It was so nice to see them.

Sat night Mommy and Daddy went out while Gamma and Papa watched the babies.....They called in reinforcements! Aunt Kim and Ashton to the rescue!!

I guess Alex wore Aunt Kim out!
But we had some good moments too....
Andy smiling big


Alex sweet face

Alex smiling
Here is a video of Alex talking....

Alex has been talking constantly for about a week now but this week it was Andy's turn to find his voice!

The ride home was not so peaceful.....The boys were very cranky and fussy. They cried a lot the last 2 hours of the trip. Needless to say we will not be taking any long trips for a while!

Friday, October 1, 2010

4 Months Old-week 1

Andy and Alex 4 months old

4 months old and changing so fast!! This week Alex has just come out of his shell and is smiling and cooing away. It is amazing at how fast they change. Andy is still cooing away and he will try very hard to say what you are saying! We went to the Doctor this week for our 4 month check up and boy have we grown! Andy is now 12#8oz and Alex is 11#4oz. Alex may not weigh as much as big brother but for the time being he is taller! Here are the boys waiting for Dr Crokrell!

Alex at the Doctor

Andy at the Doctor

This week he was playing peek-a-boo with his G-Daddy Blou and it sounded just like he said "Boo" and he said it 3 times! I wish I could have caught it on video. But I did catch him talking to his daddy while trying to say "hey you". It was so cute!
Here is a picture of Andy playing Peek-A-Boo with his G-Daddy Blou

This week Gamma and Papa ordered the boys the "Your Baby Can Read" program. So every day this week the boys have watched the video twice a day. And after just one week you can say the word wave and they wave!! It's so neat to watch. I can't wait to see what they do in a few months! Here are some pictures of them watching the video.

Since Andy is holding his head up a little better now I decided to see how he liked a few of their "older" toys.....
Here is Alex "sitting up" on  the couch-he is watching some TV!
 This week we also got the boys their own wubbanub! They love the soothie passy and this makes it easier for them to control it. So cute!

 This Sunday the boys were Baptized at St Jude's catholic church and they had a lot of visitors! The boys have 2 sets of God Parents. Jay and Becky Sadler and Shawn Blouin and Meredith Brooks. We were so happy to hear that they were all able to join us on this special day. Thank you to everyone who joined us on this special occasion. Thank you so much to Sharron Foster for capturing the priceless memories of that day! I will do a blog just for the Baptism as soon as I get all the photos, but for now I will share my sneak peak!
Thanks Sharron I can't wait to see the rest! Love ya!