
Monday, January 31, 2011

8 Months Old-week 1

The boys are really starting to show a connection between each other! Here they are holding hands and Andrew is giving Alex a kiss. (But it looks like they are telling secrets! We have started stage 3 food this week and eating 3 meals a day plus a snack with  Juice. Alex is using up the last of the size 2 diapers while Andy has moved to size 3! The boys are still not crawling yet but they will any day now. Alex started getting on his knees, rocking and lunging forward this week! Andy has been rocking and lunging about a week now and continues to do so.
There was a video from last week that I forgot to share....This is Alex making his way over a pillow! Nothing is going to stop him LOL
The boys had a good week this week. On Thursday I got brave and loaded the boys up and we went to spend the week-end with Daddy! The boys did very well and slept the whole 3 hours in the car! I was amazed how well they did. We didn't get to spend much time with Daddy because he still had to work but at least we got to see him. We ended up having to leave on Sat due to the boys starting to get a cold and Tim having to go out of town for the military and us not having a place to stay! We drove to Monroe and stopped and had Lunch with the boys Godmother Meredith and then continued on our way home. Once again the boys did great with a little Benadryl for their colds and traveling during nap times.
Sunday I had a photo shoot and had to set up the studio in the living room. So, I had to take the boys pictures while they were up! Here are some of my favorites!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

7 months old-week 4

Last week of being 7 months old! We have a lot of videos this week!
This week was an exciting week because we knew that once the week-end was here Tim would get to come home and visit!! All week this week the boys were just not sleeping well. Alex was the worst refusing to nap during the day for longer than 30 mins at a time and was very fussy all week. Both of the boys would look at pictures throughout the week of Tim. Alex would look at the picture and lay down and repeat this multiple times when we were rocking him as he said "Da, Da, Da, Da" It was so sad. Here is a video of him talking away.....
Once he finally would settle in he has started humming himself to sleep. Take a look.

This week we continued introducing small solid foods like Puffs, and rice biscuits. We also started introducing stage 3 foods. Andrew has started feeding himself the snacks now but Alex still would rather you feed him.
Just this same with holding the bottle, Andy will now hold his bottle most of the time, sometime with his feet!
This week I pulled the camera out and snap a few bath pictures and pictures while they were playing.

On Friday when Tim walked in the door the boys faces were priceless! Oh how they had missed him so much! We had a wonderful week-end and hated to see him leave again on Sunday. We might be driving to see him again this week-end, we will see!

Sat we went shopping most of the day and Andy has decided that he likes to say "hey" and wave!!! We were in Best Buy and while I was changing his diaper he was greeting the ladies that walked in. So funny! Here is a video of Andy waving to Daddy!
On Sunday we went to visit with Pops and ReRe for about an hour or so. While there Andrew something on the floor he had never seen before and he was determined to get it!!!
Here is a Picture from their visit!

Monday, January 17, 2011

7 months old-week 3

Our sweet Boys! Alex and Andy
The boys are growing up so fast! This week the boys got their second dose of the RSV injections. Since they were premies we have to get these shots once a month until March. Before their shots they are always weighed to see how much medicine they need. Andy weighed in at 18#3oz and Alex was a whole 16#!! They are two chunky monkeys! The boys are playing on the floor and entertaining themselves a lot more lately. Andy is still getting up on his knees and rocking and this week he actually started to scoot forward with his knees but would not move his hands. One time when he was rocking he actually lunged forward! Here is a picture of Alex on the floor playing.

Andy on the floor
This week Pops came to visit and we snapped a sweet picture of him and Andy! 


Alex sucking his thumb
The boys will sit and play in their walkers more now. They still go backwards in the kitchen!

This week Andy really started holding his own bottle really well! He has actually held it and fallen asleep and would still hold it up to drink until it is gone. 
 There is a funny story behind these next pictures. The boys WERE sitting up next to each other and playing nicely, then Andy decided to pull Alex down and he fell in his can see the rest in the pictures....

 I will let you decide if you think is is hugging and kissing his brother or attempting to bite! I really think he was loving on him. :)
 This week I decided to see how the boys did with the "Puffs" solid food. They melt away in their mouths. At first they had no idea what to think but they liked them once they tasted a few. They still don't have the skill of picking it up and putting it in their mouth yet. (even though everything else they pick up goes there)



 Strangely enough this week it snowed! So I hurried up and dressed the boys and we went out to have our picture made in the snow. Who knows how old they will be before they see snow at home again!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

7 months old-week 2

This week we didn't do anything new really. Alex is getting more comfortable on his tummy and will stay on the floor a little longer now. He will raise up on his arms but will not get on his knees. He has really enjoyed sitting up and playing in the floor more, but his favorite thing to do is still jump in the bouncer!!
This week Andrew was in the bouncer wide awake when I went to change Alex. When I cam back he was passed out! He had bounced himself to sleep! Something that he has never done before. 
When I saw that he was asleep I took a picture of course! Then he started bouncing in his sleep! I was able to catch part of it on video!!
This week Andy continues to get up on his hands and knees and rock. He can manage to go backwards as he is rocking but still hasn't figured out how to go forward. Alex is still not getting on his knees yet. When you put him on the floor he rolls over over the place! He really enjoys just being on the floor and rolling.
This week the boys wore their Ohio onesies and watched the game with Daddy. Look at all of them in red and white! Go BUCKS!

This week was a sad week for us as Tim had to leave and start training for his deployment. He is only in Mississippi so we will be going to visit soon!