
Sunday, February 27, 2011

9 months old-week 1

What a week! The boys are both on hands and knees rocking! Soon they will both be mobile! I was finally able to catch Andy attempting to crawl and then sitting back up on his own. He wants to crawl so bad!
Both boys on the floor

This week the boys started showing that they have been watching as we have been using sign language! They are both saying Hi and waving, Andy is saying Bye Bye and waving, Both are doing the sign for milk and Alex is signing more!!

Alex has been laughing so much lately and you can't help but laugh with him! Here is Prince Alex!

Andy is also starting to pull up on a fee things. He is getting brave!

This week Aunt Shirlee went to the float loading party with us and we got a few beads. Alex did not care to much for the music but he loved the bright colors!

This week-end G-Momma B and G-Daddy J and God Sister Ashley came into town for Ashley's volleyball tournament. We had such a great visit! Here are some pictures from this week-end.

And I will end this weeks blog by sharing this video of Andy. He LOVED it when the girls scored and everyone cheered! One man said that he heard him 2 courts away!!! So Cute! He was even clapping!

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