
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2 Months Old!

2 Months old! July 24, 2010- August 24, 2010

Wow 2 months old and home for 2 weeks! The Boys are changing so much and starting to smile and stay awake a little more. Andrew is getting more head control and Alex is not far behind him. Their personalities are starting to shine through! Andy is fairly easy going as long as he is not hungry or sleepy. He is defiantly curious about what is going on around him! Alex is mostly laid back until it is time to eat. He has a temper that is starting to shine through! When he gets mad he gets bright red! But no matter how mad or fussy they get, they are just so darn cute!!! Andrew smiled his first true smile at Daddy this month and the very next day Alex smiled at Mommy. It was so cute.

Alex smiling

At their 2 month check-up Andrew weighed 7#15oz and Alex weighed 7#2oz!

Andy Alex

For some reason the boys had been so fussy that I finally grabbed a pillow and put them in my lap together. Turned out putting them together also calmed them down!

We took our first mini road trip this month to Dallas with Daddy for work. We just hung out in the hotel while Daddy took care of work!

Loaded up and ready....Sandy was on her way to stay with Nona.

This is the boys hanging out in the hotel room together.

Gamma was here for a short visit and while at the boardwalk had us drawn!!

Our 2 Month Pictures for our picture frame

Andy Alex

They even yawn together!

Andy holding his head up

Gamma did not know that Poppa snapped this picture of her sleeping with Andy

Gamma feeding Alex Poppa holding Andy

Andy in their new toy. He will need to do a little more growing before he can actually enjoy it.

Look no hands!! Momma needed to cook and babies needed to eat....

Daddy holding both his boys

Andy showing off his head control while spending time with Daddy.

Uncle Ryan, Nonna, Ashton, Shannon and Alex and Andy

Even when they are asleep they like to be touching.

Alex starting to imitate

Andy in his boppy

Alex hugging his bottle

This is what happens when you are up most of the night with twins! We all love our nap times when we are all cuddled together.

Alex and Andy

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